
Måsøval’s annual report for 2021: a historical year!

Made by nature

Måsøval’s annual report for 2021: a historical year! Måsøval’s annual report for 2021: a historical year!

Måsøval’s annual report for 2021: a historical year!

Måsøval published its annual report for 2021 on the 27th of April 2022.

CEO Asle Rønning is grateful to be a part of a wonderful team that continues to produce high-quality salmon in a competitive way. Måsøval has expanded with the acquisition of the Vartdal Group and Pure Farming, all while delivering great results.

“We have put behind us a very eventful year. Pure Norwegian Seafood AS became part of the Måsøval group in 2021. This means we have finally taken the plunge and become a fully integrated aquaculture company with our own value chain all the way from roe to customers buying our salmon in a number of countries.”
“With the acquisition of the Sunnmøre-based Vartdal Group in Q4 2021, Måsøval created an entirely new operating unit. The new unit diversifies the biological risks we face more generally, while also generating growth of around 30% once the resources have been fully utilized and co-ordinated with the rest of the business. We are looking forward to make this happen alongside our new colleagues in the coming years.”
“Operationally speaking, 2021 was one of our best years on record. We have performed well in practically every area. This is most satisfying considering the development challenges we continued to face during the year. We have been able to focus on operations, i.e. ensure that the salmon can grow in a safe environment both on land and at sea. A well-deserved thank you to the onshore and offshore teams, the service team and harvesting and sales teams which have all helped to achieve this great result.”

Asle Rønning,CEO, Måsøval AS

Read the whole report here