Invest in nature
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Made by nature - pioneered by Måsøval.

Måsøval AS (MAS) is a Norwegian fish farming pioneer. Ever since the company was founded in 1973, our dedicated employees have worked in close harmony with nature.

On the coast of central Norway, the Atlantic provides strong currents and high tidal range, ensuring an abundance of fresh, clean seawater. It’s here, in one of the most beautiful coastal landscapes in the world, that we make one of the best ingredients in the world – Salmon:

Made by nature, pioneered by Måsøval.

Led by the third generation of the Måsøval family, we now produce more than 25.000 tonnes of salmon a year, serving 2.6 million people – every single week, year round.

And even though we’ve already achieved a lot, we’re still hungry for more sustainable growth.