
Måsøval is Good Agricultural Practice certified

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Måsøval is Good Agricultural Practice certifiedMåsøval is Good Agricultural Practice certified

Måsøval is Good Agricultural Practice certified

Måsøval has been GlobalG.A.P.-certified since 2013. The abbreviation stands for Good Agriculture Practice and is given to producers that ensure the highest possible quality in both their processes and products, particularly in terms of food safety and the environment, but also when it comes to the welfare and safety of their employees.

Our certification proves that we are extremely serious about sustainability, the environment, and animal welfare. In addition to good systems for traceability, certification requires well-documented hygiene measures, contagion control measures, and safe harvesting and packaging.


The GlobalG.A.P.-standard sets very strict requirements to good aquaculture, to which certified aquaculture companies must abide. GlobalG.A.P.-certification guarantees that the salmon sold to consumers can be traced back to the correct location and facility.

"The standard covers the entire production chain from feed supplier to farming, harvesting and processing. Prior to certification, companies must complete their own annual inspections in addition to those carried out by independent inspectors," says Head of Fish Health in Måsøval, Andreas Skagøy.

Customers can check exactly where the salmon they purchased was produced. All purchasers can see the origins of the fish by using the 13-digit number on the packaging.

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Måsøval's GlobalGAP certificate