
Salmon al fresco

Made by nature

Pioneered by Andreas

Salmon al frescoSalmon al fresco

Salmon al fresco

Andreas Skagøy is Måsøval’s Head of Fish Health and is really the outdoor type. In his opinion, good food makes a great hike even better. This is Andreas’ famous recipe for Veidemannlaks - salmon in the hunter-gatherer style.


  • 350 g Måsøval salmon
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 3 spring onions
  • 2-3 tablespoons of fresh, chopped dill
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 2-3 tbsp. butter
  • salt and pepper
  • aluminium foil
Made by nature. Pioneered by Andreas. Photo: Måsøval.

Andreas method:

Prepare all your ingredients before you go hiking. Slice the salmon into two pieces. Coarsely cut the spring onions, but thinly slice the carrot and garlic. Place all the ingredients into spill proof containers and put them in your pack.

When you find a nice spot, light a campfire. You should let the fire burn for a little while, so that you have a nice, even bed of embers for cooking. This will make cooking al fresco both easy and rewarding!

Wrap the salmon, butter and vegetables in aluminium foil. Place the foil packet onto the hot embers and let it cook for 8-12 minutes. Flip the packet over halfway through. Pay attention, though – if the temperature is too intense, just pull the packet to the side, where there is less heat.

When the salmon and the vegetables are done, simply unwrap the packet and add dill, salt, pepper and lemon to taste. To round off the meal in true hunter-gatherer style, use the embers to brew some delicious coffee with your campfire coffee pot.

Salmon al Fresco. Photo: Måsøval.