
Corporate Governance

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Måsøval fjell

Corporate Governance Policy

Måsøval’s board of Directors is responsible for ensuring satisfactory corporate governance.

The Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance (the "Code") does not apply on Euronext Growth – Oslo.

However, Måsøval will consider the implications of the Code going forward.

Articles of Association

Download or read the Articles of Association from this link:

General Meetings

The general meeting of shareholders is the supreme corporate body. Måsøval's shareholder general meetings are held annually. Here you will find protocols of the meetings.

The shareholders of Måsøval exercise ultimate authority through the General Meeting, according to Articles of Association and the Companies Act. The General Meeting deliberates and decides important issues concerning Måsøval, reflecting the opinions of shareholders.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place every year within six months of the close of the financial year. Extraordinary general meetings are convened if necessary, according to the Articles of Association and the Companies Act.

At the AGM the following decisions are made:

- Election of the shareholders’ representatives to the Board of Directors
- Election of the external auditor and the auditor’s remuneration
- Approval of the Board of Directors’ report, the financial statements and any dividend proposed by the Board
- Other matters according to the Companies Act (Aksjeloven) §5-6

Management and Board of Directors

The board of directors has extended experience and has the ultimate responsibility for the management of Måsøval AS. It’s main responsibilities are to determine and oversee the Måsøval's overall vision, objectives and strategy. The board of directors ensures that the company’s activities are well organised, keeping itself informed about the company’s financial situation and ensuring that the company’s risk exposure is handled by the management in an appropriate way.

Meet our experienced management team and board of directors here.

Investor relations policy

Måsøval shall provide the public with accurate, comprehensive and timely information, to form a good basis for making decisions related to valuation and trade of the Måsøval share.